Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Mike & Jeri's road trip

Well, we've completed day 3 and are in Bozeman, Montana.
Thank goodness we're out of the deserts! Altho Mike thoroughly enjoys the desert, I do not. I got alot of reading and sleeping done, however.

We then entered the Western Edge of Yellowstone Nat'l Park in Montana and all of a sudden, the beauty kicked into gear. Then we came into Big Sky, Montana and....WOW! Talk about beauty! Awesome beauty! It continued til we hit Bozeman and we decided to stop for the night. We're afraid once we drive another 90 miles or so, we;ll be in the flat countryside....but who knows? We'll keep you posted.

OH, very important discovery today after 4 years of owning this motorhome. I discovered a very guilty pleasure!!! It may seem silly to you non-RVers, but I couldn't stop laughing at how guilty I felt.

Here goes....I've been laying on the couch as Mike drives since the front seat is uncomfortable to me. So, as we entered Big Sky and I wanted to see every second of the views, but the front seat was blocking my views from laying on the couch!!!! So, I all of a sudden realized that the front passenger seat turns around, therefore, the back of the seat would be completely out of my views. I quickly got up & out of my relaxed position, turned the seat and WOW! There it was. 100% views from my reclined sofa position. I laid there feeling like I was laying in my bed at home and the room was moving thru the views! Awesome! I started laughing uncontrollably as I looked at Mike, hard at work driving while I was laying down enjoying the comfort and the awesome views. He didn't see the humor in it, but even as I write this, I can't stop laughing. This truly is a guilty pleasure!
That's it for now....


David S said...

Good to hear you are having fun- I am so jealous! Have a great time and take lots of pics!

Maria said...

Hi there.....I love your Blog. How cool is that. I am happy to hear you guys are having a great time. You and Mike both deserve it. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

Mom & Dad said...

Hope you and Mike are still talking. That's a lot of time alone together!

Dave, from Jensen Bldrs is having a carpet rep from the mill, coming down to check the dye-lot.

Everything is good here. Expecting a busy weekend with Susy/fam, Rachel F, Dave and Keith. Lauri/fam going to the LA Fair. No amount of money will get me there with those crowds!

Spoke to Hannah. Recess is her favorite time at school. And she's only been in first grade a week!

Temps in the 60's today. Feels good. Stay well.

Love, Mom

Ron & Pam Sustaric said...

Have agreat trip you guys are moving quickly across middle America.You know how I hate these computers but Ron is showing me your BLOG.
Love Pam

rach9249 said...

Hello again. Wow, Yatzee he must be bored! Hows Stinky or did you forget him back in the desert? I am going to spend some time today looking for some kind of map that you can add to your blog so we can track where you are. Well, am gonna get the boys to school now.
